Build It Mobile App

Design and Animation

For an interactive and educational house building mobile game

The Brief

While working for BCOM (Beyond Commerce), we were asked to design and create an educational mobile game for Build It. The purpose of the app was to teach the step by step process of building a house, in an entertaining game format. This includes budgeting, getting plans approved, applying for insurance, hiring contractors and specialists, etc. I helped design and animate the assets for the mobile game.

Level design

I was heavily involved in level design. I was tasked with both creating the environments and various backgrounds for the game, as well as animating these backgrounds and environments when characters made improvements to their houses in the app.

Character design

I was also heavily involved in the design and animation of the various characters in the game. With over 15 characters in the game, all with their own style and personality, and all of them needing to be animated for their various scenes, I was quite busy making sure that they all animated correctly and looked great in their various scenes.